Survey: Returning to in-person activities at Spirit of Grace

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This confidential survey seeks to understand attitudes about returning to in-person activities at Spirit of Grace Church. Your thoughtful responses are very important to us as we plan our options for returning to our building. At the end of the survey there is an opportunity to share your comments, questions, or concerns. You will be anonymous unless you wish to include your email or name. To stay anonymous, skip adding your email address on the first page.

Please note, that as we proceed in phases toward increased in-person worship and other church ministries, we will be following the guidance of the CDC, the State of Michigan, our insurance provider, and our Episcopal Diocese and Lutheran Synod, as well as carefully watching the trends related to coronavirus cases in our area. We do this because we are called to love and care for one another. We will continue to provide online Sunday worship and virtual meeting attendance for those who want to participate from home.

Take the survey here:

*If family members share a device, they are each invited to complete their own survey.